Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rain or Shine...

I had plant picking on my mind. It was actually pretty sunny in Canton on my way but A2 was not looking quite so pleasant. Since I had a fairly large (and awkward to carry) list, against my better judgment, I decided to see how the Kerrytown Parking gods were feeling today and I attempted to park near the market. In theory, minimizing the rain/plant heavy walk instead of my normal 6 block jaunt was smart.

Reality? Bad, bad, bad idea. Terrible even. At 7 30 (30 minutes post opening) all available spaces for miles, okay not miles, but anything even remotely close was already taken. Then I saw it (there may have been angels singing?) ... I found a great metered spot and in the spirit of using the directional arrows on the ground I lost it to another driver not so, thoughtful, shall we say? I gave up and 15 minutes later ended up happy as a clam in my normal spot, traffic free uncontested street parking ... 6 blocks away.

Irony of it all? By the time I walked back to the market, the very spot I just missed out on now had an open spot right next to it!! Argh... too much irritation for this early in the morning. Let's just say I'll take a wagon the next time I'm worried about carrying it all back - just me and my walking shoes from now on.

Regardless, I am now the proud new owner of nearly all the plants I wanted... Spinach, Garlic, Cucumbers, Watermelon and Tomatillos are still on the wanted list though. Good news there though: I talked to a few folks who said they had them at home and would bring 'em for me next weekend. Hope I make it... two weekends in a row is a bit much. I want to sleep in a lot this coming 4 day weekend - boy am I ready for it.

Any way I ended up employing a sellers choice method - who knew there are 100+ different varieties of one plant to choose from. Not me. Also, unknown to me ... the fact they come in fours.
Why did no one tell me this in advance? I'm going to have way too much food folks, at least I'll be able to balance out the baked goods I give away at work with some healthier veggie options! Jodi should be happy.

Here they are:
Don't look much like a garden capable of producing 50+ lbs of food do they? We'll see...
  • Mitla Jalapeno Peppers
  • Garden Leader Green Bell Peppers
  • Early Grand Onions (These guys come not in fours but a little tub of say 50. Also, rec'd free planting instructions from the super cute older gardener lady)
  • Big Boy Tomato
  • Viva Tomato (I'm told it's like Roma, but a little bigger and a much better producer. Great, I am going to be swimming in a vegetable I don't even like!)
  • Buttercrunch Lettuce
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • For herbs, I found all the usual suspects: Chives, Basil (2), Parsley (2), Oregano, Basil, Sage, Rosemary and new to the family, Mint! Smells just like gum/toothpaste ... nice & fresh. I can't quit smelling it. PS I was so proud of myself I knew which herbs where which all by myself and was able to impress my fellow shoppers with my unsolicited advice (Flat parsley over curly, for sure...).
You are welcome!

I'm pretty sure even with the excess, this is going to save me money. Let's see what our investment is so far, in order of above: $2.5, $2, $2, $2.5, $2, $2, $20 = $33. Ohh, cue light bulb, idea - what if I sell the excess? If someone would buy it, I could have them pay for my garden. This has merit. Domino's Mailroom at work? Road side stand in Hunters Grove Condo? Nah... maybe door to door sales or flyers? Hmmm. Better flush that one out more...

Side note: Why did the goose cross the road? The chicken has weekends off!!

These guys were so cute...On my way back, I swung by the office to grab a few things I had forgotten - for once I had my camera handy when a wildlife photo op. presented it's self!!

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